Our Services
We have many ways to help you - Poz Cafe, Link Program, CareTeams, and morePoz Cafe

Poz Cafe Lunch Program
Poz Cafe, TIHAN’s monthly lunch for people living with HIV, is an opportunity for you to get out of the house, take a break, meet other positive people, and enjoy great food! On the third Thursday of each month from 11am to 1pm, volunteers from local faith communities provide a fantastic, delicious and nutritious lunch. This is followed by time to “hang out,” chat, participate in a game or two of bingo, enjoy our raffle of fun and useful gifts, and receive a CarePackage.
People living with HIV and one guest (18 or older) are invited. All attending the cafe are asked to honor the highest standard of confidentiality. To attend Poz Cafe, please RSVP by the Monday before the lunch by contacting a Link Specialist volunteer at link@tihan.org or 520-299-6647 (ext. 205).
I like the luncheons because you get to see the same people each time, and it’s a great way to meet new people.

Link Specialist volunteers are available to support individuals in the Tucson area who are living with HIV. These trained volunteers help keep you connected to care and support services within TIHAN and elsewhere. We work closely with other service providers to make sure that people living with HIV are aware of the other options for support available throughout the community.
Want Someone To Talk To Or Have A Question?
Call a Link Specialist volunteer today! If you just want someone to talk to, or you have a question about where to find help for a need you may have, you can reach a Link Specialist volunteer at link@tihan.org or 520-299-6647 (ext. 205).
Do You Need
TIHAN registration services
Emotional/social support
Regular check-in phone calls
Information and referral
Hospital Visits
CarePackage appointments or delivery
Emergency financial assistance?
I didn’t want to take a ‘hand out,’ but it wasn’t given as a hand out. It was given as a gift.

A CarePackage is a bag filled with toiletries and cleaning items that are donated by TIHAN member congregations and caring individuals.
Depending on availability, CarePackages may include items such as toilet tissue, paper towels, shampoo, soap, toothpaste/toothbrush, laundry detergent, deodorant, household cleaning supplies, and feminine hygiene products. Individuals living with HIV are eligible for one CarePackage per month.
You can pick up your CarePackage at Poz Cafe or through an appointment at the TIHAN office. Home delivery may also be arranged when necessary.
To request a CarePackage, contact a Link Specialist volunteer at link@tihan.org or 520-299-6647 (ext. 205).
Request A Care Package Today
Emai link@tihan.org or
call 520-299-6647 (ext. 205).
More Services We Offer
Winter Holiday Programs
TIHAN partners with the Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation (SAAF) to provide additional support around the holidays to individuals living with HIV.
Family Day
A fun, interactive event in December for families living with HIV who have children under 18. Children and parents can “shop” for new, donated gifts to give to their loved ones, enjoy making arts & crafts and playing games, and get their picture taken with Santa. For more information or to register for Family Day, please contact a SAAF Case Manager at 520-628-7223.
Poz Cafe Holiday Dinner Party and Dance
The Poz Cafe event in December is a dinner rather than a lunch, and is held at a different, larger location complete with a DJ and dance floor. This festive event, for adults living with HIV and their guests, features an elegant dinner buffet, holiday gifts, and tunes to get you moving! For information about this year’s holiday party, please contact a Link Specialist volunteer at link@tihan.org or 520-299-6647 (ext. 205).
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