Live and Silent Auction
with Great Food and Entertainment
Saturday, June 3, 2017
6:00 pm
Tucson Marriott University
Park Hotel
880 E 2nd St

"Treasures for TIHAN,"
the signature fundraising benefit for the programs and
services of TIHAN, celebrates its 20th anniversary with
a spectacular event! Join us for a sparkling
evening of cocktails, great music, fantastic food, and
wonderful auction items. Enjoy great hors
d’oeuvres, festive entertainment, a no-host cantina, and
a live and silent auction!
Thanks to generous donors and
friends we've got a fabulous evening planned for you, with
hundreds of amazing auction items for you to bid on and win.
Come out to the Marriott University Park Tucson Hotel for
great food and drink, entertainment, and check out these
items you can bid on and win!
An Evening
Under the Stars!
Join Tucson treasure
Lupita Murillo and hundreds of Tucsonans for the biggest
party of the year to benefit the programs and services that
TIHAN provides for people living with HIV. The event is
Saturday, June 3 at 6:00pm at the Marriott University
Park, located at 880 E 2nd Street (University and Euclid
Avenue), with FREE PARKING in the garage right next
door (or you can choose valet parking for a small fee).
theme for Treasures for TIHAN 2017 is "An Evening Under the
Stars!" Come enjoy the biggest fundraising event of
the year to support the programs and services of TIHAN and
our compassionate response to HIV/AIDS!