Do You Know Any Great Volunteers and Supporters of TIHAN?

Help Us Recognize them Publicly!

    Volunteer, Donor, and Partner Appreciation

    Help us recognize those who symbolize the amazing compassion, devotion, and commitment of TIHAN’s many volunteers.

    TIHAN will be presenting awards at our Annual Meeting on (date TBD) in recognition of all the outstanding contributions of our volunteers and supporters.

    Please nominate one (or more!) of TIHAN’s fantastic volunteers/supporters for special recognition by completing the form below. (More copies are available in the TIHAN office, on our website, or feel free to make copies for multiple nominations.)

    Please fill out the online form below and hit "Send" button to email your nomination to TIHAN ( no later than February 20, 2020.

    I would like to nominate the following person/group/business for the award category (or categories) check-marked below:

    Please check ALL boxes that apply:
    Outstanding Link Specialist or CareTeam VolunteerOutstanding Administrative VolunteerOutstanding CarePartner Support Volunteer (Poz Café, Family Day, and other program support)Outstanding Board or Board Committee VolunteerOutstanding Education and Awareness VolunteerOutstanding Fundraising VolunteerOutstanding Faith CommunityOutstanding BusinessOutstanding New VolunteerOutstanding OrganizationEmpowerment Award (awarded to a person living with HIV/AIDS who has demonstrated exceptional courage and achievement)Excellence in Caring Award (awarded for five or more years of contributions to TIHAN and the HIV/AIDS community)